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And what if we use quantum technology









发表于 2024-3-7 17:11:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
A new technological era is knocking at the door and its promising disruptive potential will bring great changes in different industries and sectors, including energy. Although half a century ago humans witnessed the birth of the digital era with the emergence of the first general-purpose computers, the first integrated circuits and the creation of the Internet, experts now believe that we are about to move to the next level: the quantum age . What are quantum technologies? Quantum technologies are those that take advantage of phenomena or properties of the microscopic world that we understand and are able to reproduce thanks to the physical theory known as Quantum Mechanics.

For example, particles such as electrons or photons can be in several positions at the same time, thanks to the property known as quantum superposition. This has great applications in computing. For example, it allows us to perform multiple calculations or simulations simultaneously rather than sequentially, offering C Level Executive List an exponential increase in computing power and speed. Thanks to this, it will be possible to carry out simulations and address calculations that are currently unapproachable. If you want to know more about quantum computing, we invite you to read this article: How does quantum computing work? Quantum computer What is the impact on the energy sector? The most relevant example of the benefits of quantum technologies in the energy sector is found in the possibility.

Of replacing the current ammonia production process, responsible for between 1% and 2% of global energy expenditure [1] , on the other with a negligible energy cost. Ammonia is an essential substance for the manufacture of fertilizers. Its production process, known as Haber-Bosch in honor of the two people who invented it at the beginning of the 20th century, consists of the combination reaction of hydrogen and nitrogen to form (ammonia). As an initial part of the process, the dissociation of nitrogen molecules is necessary, which is only achieved under extreme conditions of pressure and temperature. This part of the process, generally carried out in petrochemical plants, is responsible for the consumption of between 1% and 2% of the world's energy.


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