If you employ a spouse remember: that ZUS most often treats the spouse as a collaborating person which most § of the Labor Code and nevertheless conclude a civil law contract when the employer and the employee do not change it during the employment relationship contract evenmeets the conditions specified in Art. § of the Labor Code when the employer and the employee in addition to the employment contract conclude a civil law contract covering the performance of the same activities as.
The subject of the employment contract failure to notify about another futures contract concerns for example failure to notify the relevant labor on Sundays or holidays failure to keep employee documentation phone number list keeping and storing in electronic or paper form is one of the basic obligations of the employer therefore it is an offense not to keep such documentation failure to store employee documentation for the required period for example the provision of Art.
Section b of the Labor Code states that the employer is obliged in particular to store employee documentation in a way that guarantees its confidentiality integrity completeness and availability in conditions that do not pose a risk of damage or destruction during the period of employment and for a period of years from the end of the calendar year in which the employment relationship was terminated or expired unless separate regulations provide for a longer period of storage of employee documentation.